By His Grace

Forward Thinking

Posted on: January 1, 2012


“Every prudent man acts with knowledge,
But a fool displays folly.” (Proverbs 13:16)

As the new year is starting my mind is already looking toward my future and what lies ahead.  Of course, there are many circumstances that are out of my control, but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t have forethought and make careful plans for the days ahead.  In fact, God wants us to have foresight and I believe it pleases Him if I have an attitude of “forward thinking”.  The verse above talks of a prudent man.  Prudence simply means careful management, taking care in providing for the future.  Other words that relate to prudence are discretion, foresight and forethought.  All of these refer to the exercise of good judgment, common sense, and even caution.

My conduct in practical matters are important as well.  I am to be responsible with my money.  Living beyond my means is not a wise decision and racking up credit card bills and debt will only hinder me and cause undue stress and tension.  How will I be effective in my walk with Christ if I am constantly worrying about how I’m going to pay my bills because I spent too much on shoes or dining out?  I recently gained employment as a server at a nice restaurant.    I really like my new job but I work with other women who are constantly worried that they won’t get enough tables and someone else is getting more than they have.  Honestly, I don’t worry about it.  And do you know why?  Because of my faithful God!  I know and believe that the Lord will take care of me and He will give me the right amount of tables and the right amount of tips that He feels I need.  It’s a very freeing feeling. 

Jesus promises provision of food and clothing in Matthew 6:25-34 if we seek His Kingdom first.

So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. (Matthew 6:31-34)

Careful planning and forward thinking does not include worry.   God wants us to trust Him and believe that He will take care of us.

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Setting attainable goals is really important in early recovery.  By setting small goals for myself, it enabled me to stay focused on doing the right things.  Early recovery is uncomfortable and confusing.  Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical changes are all jumbled up at once and every one of them are elevated and to the extreme.  It’s not fun and it’s hard to handle especially when we are at our most vulnerable and very easily influenced.  Setting goals starts you off developing a new, healthy habit.

So let’s all pray for wisdom in our foresight and make plans to have a prosperous year living within our means.  Let’s all think before we act and remember that we are a witness for Christ.  Unbelievers are watching us.  Let’s let the light of Jesus shine through us for all to see.

18 Responses to "Forward Thinking"

[…] Forward Thinking ( […]

Thank you for the link! God bless you! 🙂

Great post, as usual. It goes right along with what I read in Proverbs 3 yesterday. Verses 21-23 read in the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION “My child, don’t lose sight of good planning and insight. Hang on to them, for they fill you with life and bring you honor and respect. They keep you safe on your way and keep your feet from stumbling.”
Many blessings.

Oh that’s a good one! I should’ve put that in there. LOL Thank you for adding this. That’s awesome. 🙂

Thanks for your post. In the book “Game Plan for Life” it said that the Bible speaks to the issue of money more than two thousand times? That’s more than it discusses any other subject.

Really? That’s interesting. The love of money is certainly one of the biggest downfalls of man, I will say. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we have a beautiful God who loves us and will take care of us? Thank you for your feedback and many blessings to you Mark!

Wonderful post. Being contented is among the hardest things possible. Wisdom is going to be so useful in your job. Learn how to be the best server possible. I have heard numerous stories of those who “used to” wait on tables but because of excellent service no longer do.

Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Eccl 9:10

Thanks so much for the encouragment Steven. And your right, I need to strive to the best I can be no matter what I am doing. The Bible tells us to work as if we our boss is God, not man. It can be difficult working with non-believers but I am doing my best to keep God first in my thoughts and not get caught up in the gossip and complaining. God bless you my friend and have a great Wednesday!

Awesome post my friend

Thank you! Have a great day and God bless you!

Amen, God is good. I too never worry about money and I plan ahead as much as I can but I give all glory to him to give me what I need. What do we really need? Not much if you really think about it. Living in Christ is the absolute freedom. We are free of all the chains that society tries to shackle us to. No one can judge me but Him.

Thank you for visiting my blog and I really appreciate your feedback. I checked out your shoes, they’re awesome! God Bless!

Amen! Let His light shine
Bless you

Thank you and many blessings to you!:-)

Congrats on your new job and faith that God will provide 🙂

Thank you so much! God bless you my sister 🙂

amen my friend. Your wisdom is sweating through my computer screen and causing me to take notice. Excellent post.-watw

LOL Thank you! And many blessings to you. 🙂

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A little about name is Michele and I am a born-again Christian. I was saved as a teenager and graduated from a Christian high school. I am a mother of one son who is the world to me. Despite my upbringing, later in life I fell into a life of self destruction which led me down many dark paths. I am a recovering addict and alcoholic and I have a great passion for Christ and His amazing power to heal even the worst cases. I am living proof of the miracle of God's power to change your life and way of thinking. Nothing is impossible with God.


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